Are you an artist or crafter with high quality items to sell? Does your work have an eco-friendly bend? Would your products make perfect gifts for the holidays? You may be a great fit to fill one of the remaining booth spots at our Holiday Open House.
Holiday Arts + Crafts Open House will take place on
Saturday, December 7 from 12PM to 6PM at Red Square Yoga Studio, in Queen Anne. This is the 5th year for this intimate craft fair with a loyal customer audience.
If you'd like to participate in the Open House, please
apply by October 15. (See below.)
A few details:
- The space is cozy, so booth size will be no wider than 6-ft.
- There will be a $40 vendor fee to help cover costs.
- We will offer free drinks and snacks to visitors, as well as acoustic music.
- There will be a raffle to benefit a local charity (TBD). We invite vendors to contribute a little handmade something for the winner's basket.
If you'd like to participate in the Open House,
please email jennybartoy {AT} gmail {DOT} com by October 15 with the following info:
- Name of business, web and shop addresses
- Contact info: email(s), cell number (for urgent contact only)
- 3-5 photos/links to items that best represent the handmade work you would sell at this event
After review of all interested participants, we will confirm placement in the Open House by October 20. Fee will be due by October 30 to reserve spot.
Browse this blog to see photos of previous Open Houses, and
"like" us on Facebook to stay up to date!
We look forward to hearing from you!!